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"Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you." - Oprah Winfrey


Founded by Melini Moses, to address changing work environments, Express Yourself is a level one BEE company. 

Melini is a leadership and communications specialist and an award-winning writer, nationally recognised for her journey to positively impact the world, through future-focused innovation and passion by the Mail and Guardian.  

Express Yourself is the realisation of this recognition, offering leadership and communications training and coaching. We also offer a wide range of communication services, from top speakers and moderators to press releases, corporate videos, copywriting and social media management. 

After 23 years in formal employment, Melini took the bold step of exiting the bustling newsroom environment to pursue her vision of empowering people and leaving a legacy that would impact generations to come. Standing alongside her in the Express Yourself team are colleagues she has had the privilege of working with for years - colleagues who share her passion, values and excellent work ethic. 

People, purpose and passion are at the core of Express Yourself.  The company's watchword is excellence, and our goal is to help individuals and organisations create a strong culture of excellence by improving their communication skills. 


We use a range of experiential learning methods such as facilitator led discussions, self-discovery and critique, group exploration, practical exercises and best practice theory exploration. We also use games and case studies to help learners to not only discover their weaknesses and strengths, but to apply solutions, in line with their needs. 

Courses are backed by coaching and accountability as required. We believe in results - not theory and promises. 

At Express Yourself, we are committed to helping you find the best way to communicate your message. Our team of experienced professionals is passionate about helping you share your thoughts, ideas and stories. Whether you’re looking for help with research, writing, speaking, or marketing your product, we have the tools and resources to help.

Our heartbeat is communications, and you can be sure that you’re always in the best hands. Get in touch today and let us help you Express Yourself!

If you would like a copy of our brochure, please fill in this form and we will be in touch!

Thank you! We will get back to you soon. 

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