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 Public Relations 

At Express Yourself, we revolutionize the traditional PR landscape with our innovative anti-PR approach, designed to cut through the noise and genuinely connect with audiences. Unlike conventional PR strategies, we focus on authenticity, transparency, and real conversations. Our method involves crafting compelling, honest narratives that resonate on a deeper level, building trust and loyalty among your audience. By choosing us, you’re not just opting for another PR firm; you’re embracing a bold and refreshing strategy that positions your brand as a credible and relatable entity in an increasingly skeptical market.

Let us help you break the mold and establish a lasting, impactful presence.


Red no entry symbol that says "Anti-PR"
Image by Voice + Video

We're media specialists

Our strong journalism and media background, combined with our extensive network of industry contacts, sets us apart in delivering exceptional PR services. Our team comprises of award-winning seasoned media professionals who understand the intricacies of news cycles, storytelling, and media relations. This insider knowledge allows us to craft pitches that captivate editors and producers, ensuring your story gets noticed. Our established relationships with key media players mean we can secure high-impact placements and coverage, giving your brand the visibility it needs. You can trust Express Yourself to leverage our media expertise to elevate your brand’s presence and influence.

We have our eye
on the ball.

  • Market Research: We conduct research through interviews, focus groups, or surveys.


  • Writing: We craft articles, blogs, speeches, and social media content with engaging messages.                                                                                           

  • Media Relations: We write compelling press releases, distribute them to journalists, arrange the interviews and monitor news coverage.


  • Creativity: We work with you to generate new ideas and provide strategic guidance.


  • Crisis Communication: We develop plans to maintain your integrity and protect your reputation during and after a crisis.


  • Social Media: We manage your online content ensuring it reflects your brand 100%. â€‹


  • Special Events: We plan and host press conferences and other events to elevate your brands visibility and influence.

Image by Amy Hirschi

Our anti-PR Service Will Positively Impact Your Bottom Line

It Enhances Authentic Engagement: Anti-PR strategies prioritise genuine interactions over scripted messages, leading to deeper and more meaningful connections with your audience.


It Increases Brand Loyalty: Authentic and relatable storytelling helps to form emotional bonds with customers, encouraging them to stick with your brand over time.


It Boosts Word-of-Mouth Marketing: Satisfied customers who believe in your brand’s authenticity are more likely to share their positive experiences with others, expanding your reach organically.


It Drives Higher Engagement Rates: Authentic content tends to resonate more with audiences, leading to increased likes, shares, comments, and overall engagement on social media and other platforms.


It Reduces Marketing Costs: Anti-PR relies on genuine, organic growth rather than expensive ad campaigns, making it a cost-effective approach to building your brand.


It Enhances SEO: Authentic content that resonates well with your audience is more likely to be shared and linked to, improving your search engine rankings and driving more traffic to your website.


It Generates Long-Term ROI: By building a strong foundation of trust and loyalty, anti-PR ensures sustained customer engagement and sales growth, leading to a healthier bottom line over the long term.

Traditional PR is yesterday’s news.

Embrace the future

Express Yourself! 





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